Calvary Baptist Online Academy (CBOA) is a unique service offered to Calvary Baptist students to remediate a grade or take a course for advancement. CBOA allows students to further their educational goals from anywhere through a completely online interface. Most Calvary Baptist online courses are UC A-G approved. For more information on how to enroll, please contact your school counselor.
Please note the following CBOA policies and procedures (not all of the following policies may apply to non-Calvary Baptist students):
Calvary Baptist students may enroll in CBOA to remediate grades (making up a "D" or "F" in credit courses) or to catch up in required coursework.
Calvary Baptist students seeking credit recovery through CBOA must complete all online coursework in the allotted time.
Calvary Baptist students seeking advancement credit in any academic subject must get prior written permission from his/her school counselor.
It is entirely the responsibility of the non-Calvary Baptist student and/or the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) to obtain school authorization from their home school for recognizing Calvary Baptist coursework for school graduation or records purposes or for recognizing such coursework for advanced credit. Calvary Baptist Schools shall not be held responsible for failure to obtain such authorization.
Parents will either be receiving regular communication and/or will have the ability to monitor their child’s progress.
Students are expected to communicate frequently with the course instructor. Communication is highly encouraged and is a must if working around vacations or other events that may interrupt pacing.
Students should allow an ample amount of time for the completion of online courses and are encouraged to register and begin CBOA coursework accordingly.
A request for a deadline extension may only be granted by the approval of the school counselor or instructor.
For any unfinished courses, remaining assignments will be zeroed out at the time of the deadline and a lower grade will be issued and recorded on your transcript.
Student may drop a course within the first 2 weeks of his/her Start Date with a full refund minus a $25 registration fee.
Students and parents understand that a C- must be achieved in online classes for the course to be accepted and credited toward graduation.
Students who are seeking NCAA approved online courses should talk to the school counselor for more details.
Any act of cheating, plagiarizing, or any other type of activity deemed to be unethical or against the student code of conduct will be disciplined according to Calvary Baptist’s academic integrity policy.
To begin enrolling, use the Course Finder on the top right. A counselor code from CBOA is required in order to enroll. For assistance with registration, please contact or call (888) 865-8123.